Lynne Hutton

Coaching in Sydney
Today I live in Sydney, Australia with my two daughters, husband and my dog Leo. My work involves Coaching and Consulting Clients, at home or online, to get results by regaining control around Food, Fitness and Feelings.
I am very much Welsh, even after 30+ years travelling the world, initially as a Professional Harpist and a Personal Trainer, and now as a Mindset Coach, I have kept all my Welsh pride, twang and love of chatting, and I absolutely love my work.
“The Doctors of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease” Thomas Edison
I focus on Food, Fitness and Feelings
to realign and refresh all aspects of your life.
My Music studies and my passion for Fitness started me on this journey in 1987, starting with teaching Aerobics, then onto Personal Training [Fitness and Nutrition], where I coached many wild and wonderful, rich and famous clients, as I continued to travel playing the harp in some of the most beautiful hotels around the world.
When we settled in Australia I had time to focus on studying peoples behaviour. No right or wrong, just simply why we do what we do. This is the missing link for me, and I am so excited to be reconnecting peoples minds to their bodies, and loving and benefitting from the results I am getting for myself and my clients.
Today my qualifications are in Fitness and Life Coaching, and my passion is in Nutrition and Music. I have blended and simplified everything. By adding the learning from my studies, my travels and all the results from my amazing clients, to bring to you my own Personal Style of Coaching.
When you focus on
Food, Fitness and Feelings
you will have more time and energy to concentrate
on what you do best.

This is a little gift that was made for me one day in Doha in 1992, I was teaching Aerobics in my spare time, writing articles for the local magazine and my contract was to play the harp in the restaurant.
This sums up my life pretty well, today the main focus is the coaching, then it was the playing, however the important part still remains that there are many aspects that make a healthy, happy body and I am lucky to have learnt this early on in my life.