Food, Fitness

and Feelings


Health Coaching 

Hello, my name is Lynne Hutton.  I coach and consult clients towards a healthier and happier day, today.

I love my work reconnecting mind and body, and I am invested in helping you take simple, healthy steps for long term results.

Enjoy changes in all aspects of your life, when you learn to focus first on Food, Fitness and Feelings.

Why I can help …

 With over 25 years as a Personal Trainer, my clients and I have tried and tested many different
diets and exercise programmes.   
Every time we tried something different there were results initially,
however with a constant need to look for
something new, it was obvious that essentially there was something missing. 
The magic happened when I fully understood, it is not only about the diet and exercise!
I like to explain it as “making changes starting with the Mind through the Heart to the Body.”
When we make changes in this order, the changes are here to stay.
Today my Personal Style of Coaching gives you a simple, basic structure for long term results. 
Start with your Thoughts, align with the Heart, and the Body will be clear on how to behave
around Food, Fitness and Feelings.

Tell me …


 Are you confused about which diet to follow?

Are you overwhelmed with social media posts telling you how to live your best life and have a better body?

Are you fed up with looking online for solutions and just need to get off the computer and do it?

… because I can help.

My Programmes

Think of Personal Coaching as a mixture of Personal Training, Mindset Coaching and Nutritional Guidance all in one package.    

Our sessions are fun, challenging and full of reminders of things you already know.  Yet personal because we narrow down all the information to what you actually need now,  and I help you find the time to do it.        

To give you an idea of the possibilities, below you will see the framework of my programmes.  From there I work with you to personalise each programme to realign your needs – around my system.    

The structure serves to keep us both on track as life changes everyday, yours and mine.  Having a simple, clear structure that is super adaptable makes everything more manageable, especially important when we need it most.   

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

– Mahatma Gandhi



The Healthy Step

This introductory package will help you decide where to channel your energy today.

Run, skip, walk, or jump

It doesn’t matter if the steps are big or small.

Just be sure you are moving in a direction that makes you feel strong, confident and healthy in any area of your life.

3 Sessions

6 weeks


Signature Programme

The Healthy Step

Implement easy and healthy changes, both physically and emotionally to help you in all areas of your life.

This deeply rewarding programme will be fun and challenging with visible results.

If you are looking to lose weight, this is the best option for you.

Live your best life with this simple and effective system.

12 Sessions

Weekly Support

3 Months



Investing precious time and energy in your own

Personal Health Development

is one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

One on One Personal Coaching includes all my programmes.

Fitness, Nutritional and Mindset Coaching all in one place.

Online & In Person

12 Month Coaching



The Healthy Step

Find the magic in journaling.

A supportive group environment is the perfect place to see things differently.

Watch how your body adjusts as your perspective changes during the writing process.

These classes help boost confidence, clarity, inspiration and guidance in any area of life.

Online & In Person

Group Coaching

Happy Notes

Lynne’s 5 Star Challege has completely changed my relationship with food, diets, and the prevailing culture surrounding food.   Her approach looks at you as a whole, and addresses the relationship and emotions associated with food, rather than solely focusing on the number on the scale.

I entered the programme with the goal of losing weight, which I definitely achieved, but I also gained so much more.

Her progamme is highly informative and delves into the underlying reasons for making changes.   Lynne’s passion for food and her dedication to helping people live wholeheartely is contagious. 

She is a wonderful coach who has helped my family and me hugely. 

– Lydia

Happy Notes

 I am transformed and feel the most vital mentally and physically I have felt in years.

Lynne has helped me get back in touch with my true self,  by helping me supercharge my eating, mindfulness and connection to nature.

Such a positive experience and I’m so grateful.   

Thank you so much Lynne and I would recommend to others that they invest in your programme to invest in themselves.

– Fiona Zielinski

Happy Notes

A year and half on and I continue to reap the benefits and good health that Lynne has so aptly and professionally guided me into!

Suffering from arthritis and stress, Lynne helped me understand how diet can reduce inflammation and support greater energy and positivity.  The surprising thing is, it is not just diet, it is a whole program that allowed me to alter my outlook and understanding of health and well being.   I feel 10 years younger, have much better eating, exercising and thinking habits.  

I can’t thank her enough for being such a great support and enabling me to be a better version of me!!!!

 – Donna Miller

Happy Notes

“I’ve completed Lynne Hutton’s six-week focus course. I really enjoyed the course and am very happy with the results.

During the course, Lynne introduced varied and fun forms of exercise, catering for all levels of fitness. Lynne’s cheerful, no excuses approach helped us to achieve new fitness goals.

At the same time, Lynne successfully persuaded us to live healthier lifestyles, an even greater challenge as we were heading into the Festive Season in Hong Kong.

I highly recommend Lynne as a personal fitness trainer, health and wellness advisor and good friend.”

– Diana White

Happy Notes

“Lynne changed my life!

After purchasing a copy of your booklet it proved to be the best money I could have ever spent. It expresses everything in a simple, straight forward way, yet carries an underlying personal commitment that makes it really effective and powerful.

With only the aid of the booklet, I started going to the gym, changed my eating habits, reduced my alcohol consumption, and lost almost 1.5 stone in 6 months.

I’m indebted to you for playing a critical part in assisting the penny to drop, after years of self neglect”

– Howard Guard

Happy Notes

I cannot recommend Lynne Hutton highly enough.   She has knowledge in so many areas of health and wellbeing and knows how to bring it together in a way that suits each person.   It has come as a complete surprise to me that I have been able to shift my thinking about food in only three months.   I have freed myself from a coffee addiction and feel so much more in control of my eating and drinking choices.   The psychological benefits are great – more positive way of thinking about all aspects of my life.

The physical benefits are great too – 20kg down and only a few to go to reach my goal weight. I feel I have more energy and more strength, as well as greater clarity of thought. I am so glad I have had this opportunity and know I am on a pathway to sustainable wellbeing.

Thank you Lynne!  Really really grateful!!

– Kylie Flack

Happy Notes

“Lynne was my personal trainer for 3 months and during this time I saw dramatic changes in my fitness, weight and body shape. I lost 10kgs, dropped 2 sizes in clothes, and I’m able to sustain physical exercise for a much longer period, with improved muscle strength.

Lynne taught me to understand my body and its needs. She’s exciting and motivating without “bullying” and has helped me to realise my goals through diet and exercise.

Since working with her, I’ve also noticed my mental attitude and confidence improve dramatically. I cannot recommend Lynne highly enough.”

– Kim S Drake

Happy Notes

“I was out of condition and overweight when I met Lynne. She has the ability to create a great work-out programme, and the incredible talent to motivate her clients.

After only 8 months of working with Lynne, I’ve lost 25kgs and sustainably improved both strength and endurance – I now enjoy working out.

I’ve also now managed to maintain the same weight now for over a year, which Lynne helped me achieve. I’m sure that every past client who’s worked with Lynne shares my appreciation for her professionalism and character.”

– Peter Braun